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    Taiwan CDC 結果共40筆

  • Taiwan detects mycoplasma infection in teen traveler

    The Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has reported the first case of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in a child detected during airport screening. A teenage boy developed a fever upon arriving from mainland China on December 4 and tested positive for the pathogen the following day. This detection has raised concerns amid an outbreak of respiratory illnesses in mainland China. The CDC has initiated targeted surveillance at the country’s four major international airports, urging travelers to undergo voluntary testing. Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections account for only 1.2 percent of the cases identified through airport screenings, indicating a downward trend overall. The current respiratory diseases in mainland China are predominantly attributed to influenza viruses, with Mycoplasma infections declining. Health officials have reassured the public that airport testing protocols will continue and are expected to be maintained through the Lunar New Year period to ensure monitoring of incoming travelers and the containment of potential infectious diseases.
    2023/12/09 15:24
  • Taiwan reports highest weekly COVID-19 deaths in a month

    Taiwan is experiencing a surge in COVID-19 complications and deaths, with the CDC reporting the highest weekly count in a month. Authorities are encouraging vaccinations, especially for high-risk groups, as the country braces for a peak in infections.
    2023/12/06 17:42
  • Mycoplasma pneumonia transmission low in Taiwan: CDC

    Explore the latest on mycoplasma pneumonia in Taiwan. The CDC reports low transmission rates, emphasizing mild symptoms and recovery in children. Learn more about the impact on Taichung schools and health advice.
    2023/11/29 15:38
  • Respiratory illness to tsurge in China during winter: CDC

    Taiwan’s CDC warns that respiratory illness cases in China may peak around Lunar New Year due to multiple pathogens affecting the northern regions. The CDC emphasizes that the surge is not caused by a single agent and poses challenges across different age groups. In addition to mycoplasma, other infectious threats like influenza and COVID-19 should not be ignored. To prepare for increased cross-strait travel, the CDC urges vaccination against flu and COVID-19, especially for the elderly and young children with weaker immune systems. Non-essential trips to China are recommended to be postponed as a precautionary health measure.
    2023/11/27 17:56
  • Taiwan offers free pneumococcal vaccine to elders over 65

    Taiwanese seniors over 65 can now receive free pneumococcal vaccinations amid a respiratory disease outbreak. The CDC encourages vaccinations against adenoviruses, mycoplasma pneumoniae, the COVID-19 XBB variant, and influenza to bolster the country’s defenses.
    2023/11/27 17:27
  • Tainan and Kaohsiung report rising dengue fever cases

    The dengue fever outbreak in Taiwan continues to surge, with Tainan reporting 40 new local cases on Sunday (Nov. 19), pushing the total to 26,160. Kaohsiung added 51 cases on the same day, raising its cumulative count to 2,054. However, the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CDC) indicated a decreasing trend in 10 dengue fever hotspots in Tainan. The Tainan Dengue Fever Prevention and Control Center reminded people that the development time of mosquito larvae increases in temperatures below 20 degrees Celsius, but their growth and activity are only inhibited in conditions under 16 degrees. As temperatures drop, disease-carrying mosquitoes may seek shelter indoors.
    2023/11/20 16:33
  • First monkeypox fatality case confirmed in Taiwan

    Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is urging individuals to get vaccinated against monkeypox at one of 155 domestic medical institutions, following the emergence of a domestic monkeypox fatality case in the northern region. The CDC confirmed the first instance of a local man in his 30s contracting and subsequently dying from monkeypox. The man, who was HIV positive, fell ill on Nov. 1 and succumbed approximately 50 days after hospitalization. Monkeypox has a typical fatality rate of 0.1 to 0.2 percent, but it can be as high as 7 percent in individuals with an HIV-caused weakened immune condition. The CDC is specifically urging people with underlying conditions to seek vaccination against monkeypox to prevent the development of severe conditions.
    2023/11/08 19:46
  • Health experts warn of potential triple outbreak in fall

    Several health experts predicted on Thursday (Oct. 12) that by the end of 2023, a combined outbreak of COVID-19, influenza, and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) might occur, with the average daily number of COVID-19 cases reaching up to 24,000.
    2023/10/12 16:41
  • Five more domestic deaths from dengue fever reported

    The Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported five more domestic deaths from dengue fever in Tainan and Yunlin. The deceased were males aged between 60 to over 80 with underlying conditions. Health authorities have implemented preventive measures in affected areas. Last week, there were 2,527 new local cases, including 19 severe cases.
    2023/10/11 19:24
  • Five new dengue fever deaths reported in Tainan

    The Taiwan CDC reports five new dengue fever-related deaths in Tainan, including a woman in her twenties, the youngest case this year. The fatalities had underlying health conditions and died within 10 days of falling ill. The age range of dengue fever fatalities has expanded from the twenties to the eighties, all with underlying conditions.
    2023/10/03 16:44
  • Taiwan reports 4,338 dengue fever cases and 3 fatalities

    Taiwan CDC announced on Sept. 5 a total of 4,338 local dengue cases this year as of Sept. 4, and confirmed 3 dengue-fever-related deaths last week.
    2023/09/06 15:13
  • Tainan City reports first domestic dengue case since 2019

    Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced on Tuesday (June 14) the first domestic dengue case of the year in Rende District, Tainan City, marking the city’s initial occurrence of dengue since 2019. So far this year, there have been 1 domestic case and 45 cases related to travel.
    2023/06/14 16:42
  • First-day registrations for monkeypox vaccine exceed 16,000

    Over 16,000 individuals in Taiwan registered for the monkeypox vaccine on the first day of registration, which began at 2 p.m. on Saturday. 
    2023/04/10 19:26
  • Taiwan foreigners to self-pay COVID treatment costs in 2023

    Foreigners in Taiwan will have to cover the costs of their COVID treatment on their own starting in 2023.
    2023/01/01 07:59
  • 美贈疫苗 酈英傑TAIWAN背心接機 劉亭廷:友台但不踩「主權紅線」

    美國捐贈250萬劑莫德納疫苗20日抵台,指揮中心指揮官陳時中與AIT處長酈英傑身穿印有「TAIWAN」、「CDC」字樣的背心一同接機。TVBS記者劉亭廷今(23日)於《FOCUS全球焦點》中,接受主持人彭志宇線上訪問表示,「此舉可以顯示出美方對台灣態度相當友善,但礙於台美外交準則,『主權象徵』尚未解禁,台美交涉過程中,通常不會擺出中華民國國旗,以免踩到主權紅線。」 另外,歐盟日前宣布安全旅遊名單,台灣也在其中,官方Twitter更是罕見秀出中華民國國旗,劉亭廷說明「雖然『中華民國國旗』與『中華人民共和國國旗』並列在圖上,但台灣卻是被歸類在『實體與區域當局』,而非『國家』,歐盟此做法可以說是遊走在『一中政策』的灰色地帶。」
    2021/06/23 14:51
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